We will be presenting our bricks at numerous events this year and will be starting with didacta 2018 in Hanover in February. The trade show covers all important fields as early education, schools / universities and further qualification. So our bricks will fit perfectly in this event and we are looking forward to the show starting on 20th of February 2018.
We will be participating in the conference of the “GI” expert group “Computer science education in Berlin and Brandenburg” on the 1st of March. The 17th conference of this kind will take place at Humboldt-Universität Berlin at Erwin Schrödinger-Zentrum Adlershof.
You will have the possibility to check out our bricks on the Computer Science Day North-Rhine Westphalia on the 19th of March. Students and their teacher from Villa Wewersbusch who already worked with our bricks at school will join us in Paderborn and introudce the bricks to the audience. We are looking very much forward to this fun event!
We will also participate in the MNU Bundestagung and the Bayerischer Informatiklehrertag in Munich from 25th to 28th of March. Regarding the motto “Inspire with technology: how to design your lessons in a valuable and practical way” a number of experts will give presentations and workshops in the different STEM fields. This is the program: http://www.bundeskongress-2018.mnu.de/index.php/kongressprogramm
For sure, you can meet us at one or the other Maker Faire in Germany – get to know more about it in our next blog post!
We are looking forward to seeing you!